ESPN just ran
a great piece countering objections to David Beckham eventually playing for MLS. Beckham critics say MLS signing him is fiscally irresponsible, that he's a has-been, and that he'd only give MLS a temporary and minor boost.
To say it like this Brits, this is absolute rubbish. When Baywatch was in its prime about 10 years ago, a Playboy story famously said "Baywatch critics are deluded fools, 2 billion viewers can’t be wrong." This couldn’t be more applicable to the global David Beckham enterprise, and even if he totally sucked (however unlikely), his first MLS season alone would singlehandedly give U.S. soccer the final push it needs to break into the mainstream. That’s worth any price the league has to pay.
And of course, it certainly wouldn't hurt if Posh was constantly on the cover of every magazine.